AIって結局何なのかよく分からないので、とりあえず100日間勉強してみた Day90
- RNNの学習を理解
今回も「ゼロから作るDeep Learning② 自然言語処理編(オライリー・ジャパン)」から学んでいきます。
import sys import os sys.path.append('..') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd import collections GPU = False # setting for PTB dataset key_file = { 'train':'ptb.train.txt', 'test':'ptb.test.txt', 'valid':'ptb.valid.txt' } save_file = { 'train':'ptb.train.npy', 'test':'ptb.test.npy', 'valid':'ptb.valid.npy' } vocab_file = 'ptb.vocab.pkl' dataset_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) mid_path = '..\..\Download_Dataset\lstm-master\data' def load_vocab(): vocab_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, vocab_file) print(vocab_path) if os.path.exists(vocab_path): with open(vocab_path, 'rb') as f: word_to_id, id_to_word = pickle.load(f) return word_to_id, id_to_word word_to_id = {} id_to_word = {} data_type = 'train' file_name = key_file[data_type] file_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, mid_path, file_name) words = open(file_path).read().replace('\n', '<eos>').strip().split() for i, word in enumerate(words): if word not in word_to_id: tmp_id = len(word_to_id) word_to_id[word] = tmp_id id_to_word[tmp_id] = word with open(vocab_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((word_to_id, id_to_word), f) return word_to_id, id_to_word def load_data(data_type='train'): if data_type == 'val': data_type = 'valid' save_path = dataset_dir + '\\' + save_file[data_type] print('save_path:', save_path) word_to_id, id_to_word = load_vocab() if os.path.exists(save_path): corpus = np.load(save_path) return corpus, word_to_id, id_to_word file_name = key_file[data_type] file_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, mid_path, file_name) words = open(file_path).read().replace('\n', '<eos>').strip().split() corpus = np.array([word_to_id[w] for w in words]), corpus) return corpus, word_to_id, id_to_word class Embedding: def __init__(self, W): self.params = [W] self.grads = [np.zeros_like(W)] self.idx = None def forward(self, idx): W, = self.params self.idx = idx out = W[idx] return out def backward(self, dout): dW, = self.grads dW[...] = 0 if GPU: np.scatter_add(dW, self.idx, dout) else:, self.idx, dout) return None def softmax(x): if x.ndim == 2: x = x - x.max(axis=1, keepdims=True) x = np.exp(x) x /= x.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) elif x.ndim == 1: x = x - np.max(x) x = np.exp(x) / np.sum(np.exp(x)) return x class RNN: def __init__(self, Wx, Wh, b): self.params = [Wx, Wh, b] self.grads = [np.zeros_like(Wx), np.zeros_like(Wh), np.zeros_like(b)] self.cache = None def forward(self, x, h_prev): Wx, Wh, b = self.params t =, Wh) +, Wx) + b h_next = np.tanh(t) self.cache = (x, h_prev, h_next) return h_next def backward(self, dh_next): Wx, Wh, b = self.params x, h_prev, h_next = self.cache dt = dh_next * (1 - h_next ** 2) db = np.sum(dt, axis=0) dWh =, dt) dh_prev =, Wh.T) dWx =, dt) dx =, Wx.T) self.grads[0][...] = dWx self.grads[1][...] = dWh self.grads[2][...] = db return dx, dh_prev class TimeRNN: def __init__(self, Wx, Wh, b, stateful=False): self.params = [Wx, Wh, b] self.grads = [np.zeros_like(Wx), np.zeros_like(Wh), np.zeros_like(b)] self.layers = None self.h, self.dh = None, None self.stateful = stateful def forward(self, xs): Wx, Wh, b = self.params N, T, D = xs.shape D, H = Wx.shape self.layers = [] hs = np.empty((N, T, H), dtype='f') if not self.stateful or self.h is None: self.h = np.zeros((N, H), dtype='f') for t in range(T): layer = RNN(*self.params) self.h = layer.forward(xs[:, t, :], self.h) hs[:, t, :] = self.h self.layers.append(layer) return hs def backward(self, dhs): Wx, Wh, b = self.params N, T, H = dhs.shape D, H = Wx.shape dxs = np.empty((N, T, D), dtype='f') dh = 0 grads = [0, 0, 0] for t in reversed(range(T)): layer = self.layers[t] dx, dh = layer.backward(dhs[:, t, :] + dh) dxs[:, t, :] = dx for i, grad in enumerate(layer.grads): grads[i] += grad for i, grad in enumerate(grads): self.grads[i][...] = grad self.dh = dh return dxs def set_state(self, h): self.h = h def reset_state(self): self.h = None class TimeEmbedding: def __init__(self, W): self.params = [W] self.grads = [np.zeros_like(W)] self.layers = None self.W = W def forward(self, xs): N, T = xs.shape V, D = self.W.shape out = np.empty((N, T, D), dtype='f') self.layers = [] for t in range(T): layer = Embedding(self.W) out[:, t, :] = layer.forward(xs[:, t]) self.layers.append(layer) return out def backward(self, dout): N, T, D = dout.shape grad = 0 for t in range(T): layer = self.layers[t] layer.backward(dout[:, t, :]) grad += layer.grads[0] self.grads[0][...] = grad return None class TimeAffine: def __init__(self, W, b): self.params = [W, b] self.grads = [np.zeros_like(W), np.zeros_like(b)] self.x = None def forward(self, x): N, T, D = x.shape W, b = self.params rx = x.reshape(N*T, -1) out =, W) + b self.x = x return out.reshape(N, T, -1) def backward(self, dout): x = self.x N, T, D = x.shape W, b = self.params dout = dout.reshape(N*T, -1) rx = x.reshape(N*T, -1) db = np.sum(dout, axis=0) dW =, dout) dx =, W.T) dx = dx.reshape(*x.shape) self.grads[0][...] = dW self.grads[1][...] = db return dx class TimeSoftmaxWithLoss: def __init__(self): self.params, self.grads = [], [] self.cache = None self.ignore_label = -1 def forward(self, xs, ts): N, T, V = xs.shape if ts.ndim == 3: ts = ts.argmax(axis=2) mask = (ts != self.ignore_label) xs = xs.reshape(N * T, V) ts = ts.reshape(N * T) mask = mask.reshape(N * T) ys = softmax(xs) ls = np.log(ys[np.arange(N * T), ts]) ls *= mask loss = -np.sum(ls) loss /= mask.sum() self.cache = (ts, ys, mask, (N, T, V)) return loss def backward(self, dout=1): ts, ys, mask, (N, T, V) = self.cache dx = ys dx[np.arange(N * T), ts] -= 1 dx *= dout dx /= mask.sum() dx *= mask[:, np.newaxis] dx = dx.reshape((N, T, V)) return dx class SimpleRnnlm: def __init__(self, vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size): V, D, H = vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size rn = np.random.randn embed_W = (rn(V, D) / 100).astype('f') rnn_Wx = (rn(D, H) / np.sqrt(D)).astype('f') rnn_Wh = (rn(H, H) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f') rnn_b = np.zeros(H).astype('f') affine_W = (rn(H, V) / np.sqrt(H)).astype('f') affine_b = np.zeros(V).astype('f') self.layers = [ TimeEmbedding(embed_W), TimeRNN(rnn_Wx, rnn_Wh, rnn_b, stateful=True), TimeAffine(affine_W, affine_b) ] self.loss_layer = TimeSoftmaxWithLoss() self.rnn_layer = self.layers[1] self.params, self.grads = [], [] for layer in self.layers: self.params += layer.params self.grads += layer.grads def forward(self, xs, ts): for layer in self.layers: xs = layer.forward(xs) loss = self.loss_layer.forward(xs, ts) return loss def backward(self, dout=1): dout = self.loss_layer.backward(dout) for layer in reversed(self.layers): dout = layer.backward(dout) return dout def reset_state(self): self.rnn_layer.reset_state() corpus, word_to_id, id_to_word = load_data('train') corpus = corpus[:1000] batch_size = 10 wordvec_size = 100 hidden_size = 100 time_size = 5 lr = 0.1 max_epoch = 1000 vocab_size = len(word_to_id) xs = corpus[:-1] ts = corpus[1:] data_size = len(xs) def create_batch(xs, ts, batch_size, time_size): batch_x = np.zeros((batch_size, time_size), dtype=np.int32) batch_t = np.zeros((batch_size, time_size), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(batch_size): start_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(xs) - time_size) batch_x[i] = xs[start_idx:start_idx + time_size] batch_t[i] = ts[start_idx:start_idx + time_size] return batch_x, batch_t model = SimpleRnnlm(vocab_size, wordvec_size, hidden_size) loss_list = [] for epoch in range(max_epoch): total_loss = 0 for _ in range(data_size // (batch_size * time_size)): batch_x, batch_t = create_batch(xs, ts, batch_size, time_size) loss = model.forward(batch_x, batch_t) model.backward() for param, grad in zip(model.params, model.grads): param -= lr * grad total_loss += loss avg_loss = total_loss / (data_size // (batch_size * time_size)) loss_list.append(avg_loss) print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}/{max_epoch}, Loss: {avg_loss:.4f}") plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(range(1, max_epoch + 1), loss_list, marker='o') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.title('Reccurent Neural Network learning')
$$ L = \ – \frac{1}{N} \displaystyle \sum_n \sum_k t_{nk} \log y_{nk} $$
$$ \mathrm{perplexity} = e^{L} $$
loss_list = [] ppl_list = [] loss_count = 0 for epoch in range(max_epoch): total_loss = 0 for _ in range(data_size // (batch_size * time_size)): batch_x, batch_t = create_batch(xs, ts, batch_size, time_size) loss = model.forward(batch_x, batch_t) model.backward() for param, grad in zip(model.params, model.grads): param -= lr * grad total_loss += loss loss_count += 1 avg_loss = total_loss / (data_size // (batch_size * time_size)) loss_list.append(avg_loss) print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}/{max_epoch}, Loss: {avg_loss:.4f}") ppl = np.exp(total_loss / loss_count) print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}/{max_epoch}, Perplexity: {ppl}") ppl_list.append(float(ppl)) loss_count = 0 plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(range(1, max_epoch + 1), loss_list, marker='o', color='green', label='Loss') plt.plot(range(1, max_epoch + 1), ppl_list, marker='o', color='orange', label='Perplexity') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend() plt.ylim(-0.5, 20.5) plt.title('Reccurent Neural Network perplexity')
- Andreas C. Muller, Sarah Guido. Pythonではじめる機械学習. 中田 秀基 訳. オライリー・ジャパン. 2017. 392p.
- 斎藤 康毅. ゼロから作るDeep Learning Pythonで学ぶディープラーニングの理論と実装. オライリー・ジャパン. 2016. 320p.
- 斎藤 康毅. ゼロから作るDeep Learning② 自然言語処理編. オライリー・ジャパン. 2018. 432p.
- ChatGPT. 4o mini. OpenAI. 2024.
- API Reference.
- PyTorch documentation.
- Keiron O’Shea, Ryan Nash. An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks.
- API Reference. 2024.